to save your data from foreign interference
Thinking outside the box
Certainty is near.

Knowing you can be absolutely confident that nothing on your desktop can be put to unauthorized use feels reassuring, doesn't it? Transferring third-party data and programs to your PC is an especially ciritcal issue. After all, who's to say that your counterpart is who you think he, she or it is ... ESCRAdesk is the fastest and leanest solution to ensure secure access to your device. Go ahead and give it a try - no annoying installations necessary.
ESCRAdesk - no installation necessary.
Good reasons to get a new desktop viewer.
• Full data sovereignty thanks to your own server
• Individually customizable user group - only people you have authorized. Attacks via social engineering are rendered impossible.
• Connection to third party identity providers
• Option to switch to higher levels of authorization at any time
• High-end virus scanner
• Open source: collective design, limitless growth
• Security through IEC62443
ESCRAdesk keeps spies away.
ESCRAdesk wants to know exactly who is trying to access your systems. Secure identification of the other parties and verification of transferred data is something that Teamviewer & others only offer you as a part of expensive subscription models.
Trust in ESCRAdesk.
Hightech. Made in Germany for European Clients.